Bids are awarded at The Cheerleading Worlds qualifying events . Each event producer that hosts a Worlds bid-qualifying event has the discretion to select the processes by which the bids are awarded . Bid sponsorship funds are not prize money and are to be used towards the team ’ s Worlds registration package , lodging and / or transportation to Orlando to participate at The Cheerleading Worlds . All paid / partial-paid bids payments are made directly to Worlds by the event producer on behalf of the program .
• Paid bid sponsors may award award up to $ 25,000 per team or $ 650 per athlete and two coaches on a bid-winning team .
• Partial-paid bid sponsors may award up to $ 325 per athlete and two coaches on a bid-winning team .
Paid / partial-paid bids are for athletes who will be on the floor during the team ’ s performance at The Cheerleading Worlds . Reserve athletes or coaches brought to substitute for unplanned occurrences are not covered by paid / partial-paid bids and will not be funded by the sponsoring event producer . Should a substitute and / or an alternate become necessary after submission of a team ’ s Worlds roster and after travel plans have been approved and confirmed , any additional costs associated with those substitution ( s ) must be paid by the club .
NOTE : If The Cheerleading Worlds event is cancelled for any reason , the paid / partial-paid bid sponsorship funds must be returned to the event producer who awarded the funds . Additional expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the team / club . Event producers will not be responsible for late fees if their representing team does not meet the registration deadline . Event producers will not be responsible for added change fees if the representing team has to make changes to the original registration and / or travel .
At-large bids are generally awarded to runner-up teams or teams scoring next highest to the paid / partial-paid bid-winning team ( s ). Recipients of at-large bids must pay for their own Worlds registration packages and all other related expenses .
50 % ROSTER , TEAM SIZE POLICY ( Only non-U . S . teams in IASF divisions ) Rosters may change up to 50 percent within the division in which the bid has been awarded . Fifty percent of the athletes on the original team roster must remain on the roster for the The Cheerleading Worlds .
EXAMPLE : A team of 14 athletes can change seven of those athletes after tryouts to maintain the 50 percent . Season 2 programs that have tryouts after receiving their Worlds bid ( s ), may add to the roster as long as 50 percent of the original roster is maintained .
Clubs must notify the Event Producer if their roster changes so a NEW IASF roster can be submitted to the IASF .
DECLINING A BID ( to pursue a new bid )
A team is limited to accepting only one bid for The Cheerleading Worlds within a specific division . If a team has accepted a bid and intends to compete for an upgraded bid ( e . g ., from an at-large bid to a paid bid ), no formal declination is necessary . However , if a team chooses to vie for a similar bid ( e . g ., from at-large to at-large or from paid to paid ), they must officially DECLINE the original bid no later than 11pm EST on the Friday night before the event begins .
The process to DECLINE a bid includes : 1 . writing to the sponsoring event producer and 2 . writing to the IASF Director , Jibreel Rayam , jibreel @ iasfworlds . com .
• An athlete may qualify for Worlds with only one gym in the same World ' s season . Exceptions will be considered on a case-bycase basis and must be presented to the IASF director within 60 days before the World Championships .
• Athletes within the same club are limited to the number of teams on which they are eligible to compete and earn paid or partial-paid bids .
• Once an athlete has competed on a team and earned a paid / partial-paid or at-large bid , they are permitted to move to another team within their club . If their second team earns a bid , they are bound to the second team and may only compete with the second team at Worlds . They no longer are eligible to compete with the first team once the second team is awarded a bid .
• The number of athletes that have already earned a paid / partial-paid bid that are eligible to compete for and be awarded / accepted a paid / partial-paid bid on a second team is limited : IASF division teams may have up to four athletes that were previously awarded a paid / partial-paid bid .
For more information or to register , visit TheCheerleadingWorlds . net | 901.231.1952 THE CHEERLEADING WORLDS ® 2024 | 12