PETER WAKE Tarot Reader
endulum’s are a divination tool made of a piece of string and a weight. The weight can be almost anything: a metal washer, a gold or silver ring, even a paper clip. Pendulum divination has survived through the centuries. The two most common pendulum models involve either the suspension of a ring from a thin silk thread, or the suspension of a crystal from a chain. First, get a feel for your pendulum, carry it with you for a couple of days, keeping it in a velvet or silk cloth (I carry mine in my pocket if I know I am going to use it in the next few days). It will tune into your energy. Then you would be able to test its power. Hold the chain between the thumb and forefinger and let the pendulum hang down, it should not touch anything or anyone though. But make sure your hand and arm are completely still. Wait until the crystal or ring has stopped swinging at the end of the chain before you begin. Ask a question to which you KNOW THE ANSWER IS YES. The crystal should begin to move either side to side, back and forth or clockwise or anticlockwise etc. Whatever pattern the movement follows, make a note that this would always be your 'yes' answer (You can verify by repeating the question, to make sure). Follow the same steps, this time asking a question to which you know the answer is NO. Again, note the movements and this should always be your own 'no' answer (I always ask it to give me a YES and then to give me a NO before I start anyway). Then you can start asking questions that you don't have an answer to. The ancient Romans and the French seer Nostradamus were renowned for using the pendulum. Both used a different method from the one we use today. They used a method of basin scrying by means of a pendulum to
produce letters that formed prophetic verses. The bowl or basin used was made of electrum, an alloy of gold and silver. A ring with occult characters engraved upon it was attached by thread to a wand. The twenty-four letters of the Greek alphabet were engraved into the flange of the basin. The table used was probably a tripod in which to support the basin. It was made out of branches of laurel and had three legs. If you're using a ring suspended from either a silver chain or a silk thread, you should also use a goblet of water. The answers to your yes/no questions come in the form of the tapping sounds of the ring inside the glass. A single tap indicates a yes while two taps indicate a no. More than two taps indicates the spirit is not certain of the response. Another method involves using a sheet of paper with a cross marked upon it. The ring is held suspended over the cross in the left hand upon a silk thread. If the answer to the question asked is yes it will swing back and forth along the vertical arm of the cross. If the answer is no i ?[??[???YH??YH[??H?^??[\?H?H??????H[?H?X??YH?[Z[X\??]H\?H?H[?[[K[?H?[?[??\?H]??[???\?X?\??????H???]\???X\?\?K?\?H\?H\?H?X??H??X?[?^\?????[?]\??\?H????[???Y??\?[?Y][?[?\?[H?\???]H[?[[H??YH?X??^H]??\?[?\????Y[?H?]H??[??[?Z\?[??[???]Z\??\?Y[??Y?\?[?[??H??[???Z[?Z\??X??H[??H[?[[HX??H?H[?]H[YH[?[[H?X???[?\??X??H??YHZ\??X?\??[?^H?[?Z\?[????H?\??X??Y\HX???\???\???X??[?NM??]Y?\??Z[???\?H[H?]?H]\\?H?Y??]?\??&][?[NNH]H[?\?\??\??YY?Z[?[?\?[YH]?\?H?\??]H?]??Z[??\?Y][??Y?YYYKH??Y???YH[??[??H[?]?H\?YH?[YHX????\?????X\?H]?\?H?XY[??