Cheeky Angels - Edition 4 July 2013 | Page 22

I n our newsletter Stella kindly gave our readers the opportunity to receive a free attunement for the healing modality " " usually valued at AU$30.00 all Stella asked for in return was for their experiences throughout the attunement process. Colours of the Angels is a healing modality that was channeled by Stephen Lovering of “One Healing Academy.” Stella has been using this healing modality for approximately 10 years now and finds it is a very accessible method to call on your Angels when you feel that you really could use some help. Just by visualising a colour you are instantly connected to the Arch Angel that you wish to receive assistance from and it is very calming when you feel their energy wash over you. So, here are our readers experiences of this lovely healing attunement. Thank you Stella for a wonderful and generous offer. I had a fantastic experience that I really want to share with you. Firstly there was just like a wind of colour around me and then I felt gold pour into the crown chakra and surround me in a white bubble - I can only presume this was Uriel giving me peace to relax and Gabriel working together. I couldn't move throughout but at the same time felt as if I was floating. The first Angel to come through was Raphael and then Michael and Jophiel. At one point Michael appeared holding Raphael and Jophiels hands and took me to a castle. They placed me there and Pegasus picked me up and took me on a journey. He flew me over rivers & mountains and showed me the beauty below. He told me to look at things in a different way and I have sown a lot of seeds that are growing just perfectly but I can't see it at the moment. At the same time Michael was using his sword to cut the knots in my stomach that were being caused by everything that is going on at the moment. I could feel it and the other thing was that I could feel the Reiki energy that I have flow from my hands and my feet. After Michael had finished with his sword I felt that I needed to place my hands on the area and the Reiki Energy flowed into it. I never saw a Pink Ray but I did see a bright red ray but it wasn't as strong as the others. All through this I had the Metallica song ' ' being sung but the words are actually very meaningful! I definitely feel a lot lighter and relaxed after the attunement. It was a wonderful experience and I look forward to working with the Angels. It finished with Zadkeil and his Violet Ray beaming down through my body - right through the centre and it was like a hot poker going straight through but not a horrible sensation at all. I am certainly not a sceptic as I talk to dead people but I am when it comes to Pegasus etc and I am not one to daydream in that way either so this has definitely made me reevaluate the way I look at things. Jo Murray IMAGES COPYRIGHT: FREEDIGITALIMAGES.NET JULY/AUGUST 22