Hi , Cheeky Angels Love the mag . I have a question for the mag for Mandy pet psychic . I have 5 rats , they are known for liking company but Ivy does not get on with the others , if I put her with them she upsets them and they fight yet she is so sweet to people . I am wondering why she doesn ' t like the other rats ? Thank you , Kez green xx
Hi Kez , Thank you for your submission . I have had a look at your picture and linked into Ivy . Rats are extremely intelligent pets and I have come across a few recently with regards to readings and this issue you currently have seems to be commonplace at the moment and the problem is they do not see themselves as rats but humans so to put a human thinking rat in with typically minded rats is like putting a cat amongst the pigeons so to speak hence the fighting with others and getting on better with people . She has much more intelligence than the others .
When a pet does not get on with other pets of the same breed it is human intuition to pick them up and protect them and keep them separated but what this in fact does is make the problem worse as you are rewarding bad behaviour . In the wild these rats would sort it out amongst themselves and stay away from those they don ' t get on with and be civil with others and get on really well with the remaining ones . The problem you have here is that Ivy sees herself as human and not as a rat . In her eyes the others are well beneath her and she rises way above them in ranking and the others do not like this and resent her for it . To solve this would take some patience as it would mean not keeping her separate and keeping her with the others and letting them sort it out amongst themselves without any intervention but this would be very hard on you to watch and most likely to cause severe distress to her as they do no handle stress too well not to mention injuries from fighting . My advice would be to get a younger rat who is not part of the other group ( an excuse for a new one too !) and keep them together so she is not alone and has another one for company that doesn ' t put her under stress but I am getting it very strongly that it has to be a young one that she can nurture and not older who will more than likely domineer her which will not go down too well . Hope this helps . Mandy Carr xx
Book recommendation from Mandy Carr-the pet psychic
A Street Cat Named Bob : How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets [ Paperback ]
Available from Amazon and major bookstores . This book is a heart wrenching read with a happy ending and we all love a happy ending . From the slums to fame based on care , determination and solid teamwork between a man and his street cat named Bob .
When James Bowen found an injured , ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation , he had no idea just how much his life was about to change . James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet .
Yet James couldn ' t resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat , whom he quickly christened Bob . He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way , imagining he would never see him again . But Bob had other ideas .
Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse , comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives , slowly healing the scars of each other ' s troubled pasts .
A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it . www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 60