Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 25

front drivers wheel were nearly going over the edge of the cliff , still at great speed . I remember at this point having a flashback to the incident a couple of weeks before where I had seen my car down the cliff face and the sudden realisation that it has been a premonition closely followed by an expletive and then talking to whoever would be listening and saying that my work was not done yet , my children still needed me , my husband would miss me and that I was not ready to pass ! Yes your life really does flash before your eyes in the moments before you prepare to die . The front of the car started to tip and yet I felt suddenly calm , all panic was gone and a beautiful feeling of serenity came over me , a voice in my head with the picture of a beautiful soul came to me and the voice said , “ ”
Well , who was I to argue with such a comforting and authoritive voice and feeling . I grabbed the steering wheel as firmly as I could with my arms straight and my feet pushed to the floor with my legs straight and my body pushed as far into the car seat as was humanly possible and I braced as the car took the first roll . The car and I rolled about 5 times down that hill , and at one stage I remember something hitting my head very hard and thinking that if that did not kill me nothing would ! The car suddenly stopped abruptly , engine still running . I turned it off and removed the keys , confirmed with myself that I was not moving anymore and proceeded to try to get myself out of the car . Well the driver ’ s door was jammed by a tree so I had to climb over the seats to get out of the passenger door . I managed this and looked up , I had rolled down at least 20 meters of almost sheer rock face and the car was wedged now between some huge rocks and some trees . There were people at the top , on the road , who had seen the accident and they called the ambulance and stayed with me . I was very lucky that day . My Angel was with me and reassured me to not panic but to hold on , I am not sure how I would have reacted without that comfort but I am glad that I had the protection and assistance from such a beautiful being .
Since that day , I have gone back to giving readings for people and doing healings , because I have been left with a chronic condition myself , fibromyalgia . I am not able to do any other form of work because my body is not able to sustain anything for too long . I walked away from the accident with whiplash and nothing else , unfortunately the accident is probably what triggered the fibromyalgia , but whilst I do suffer at times , I do not feel ‘ ’. I embrace the knowledge that Spirit and the Angels wanted me to come back to assisting others with beautiful connections and validation from them to their loved ones here on Earth . I have learnt a lot from having a chronic pain condition , I have more compassion for others , and an understanding of mood swings and a multitude of different conditions that people have to go through in their daily lives , and I feel in the long run that it has made me a better person , and definitely a better reader , and much more understanding and compassionate of others .
Today , I do readings wherever I possibly can and I also give healings and teach Reiki to others . Of course my most recent venture is being part of this magazine and I feel blessed to have so many other people involved in the venture with Mandy , Joanne and Myself , bringing knowledge to all of our beautiful readers .
Life is a journey of discovery but it is also a journey of teaching , once you discover something wonderful , it is only right to shine that beautiful light on to others and to share the blessing . I have been and I still am truly blessed in my life .
© Stella Ware www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 25