Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 23

Having your children engage with Angels on a daily or weekly basis will help them familiarize themselves with their Guardian Angel and Archangels . One of the best ways to engage your children is having them write a letter to their Angels . The letter can be a letter of gratitude , a prayer letter or it can be a request to help them with something going on in their life . There is no formal way to write the letter so have your children write any way they are guided to . You can have an Angel box in your home where your children can place the letter so there is a safe and private place for the letters . Have some fun with your children and have them decorate their Angel box ; spend an evening or afternoon with some craft supplies and have them express themselves while creating their Angel box . Having your child express their individuality is a great way to open up their creativity and their connection with Angels . As your children write their letters to the Angels it is also important to teach them about each Archangel and how they can help them in their daily life .
is a big and powerful protector and is responsible for keeping everyone safe . You may call upon Archangel Michael whenever you need to feel safe and protected . will guide you and help you with singing , dancing , talking writing and drawing . You may call upon Archangel Gabriel whenever you need inspiration in those areas .
is the Angel of healing . You can call upon Archangel Raphael when you or your family members are not feeling well . He will aid in the healing of you , your family members and friends .
is the Angel of knowledge . You may call upon Archangel Metatron to be with you at school and help with all your academic needs . will help you with your family pet worries . You may call upon Archangel Ariel if you are worried about any animals in your life .
is the Angel of beauty . You may call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you realize that you are beautiful inside and out . You can also call upon Archangel Jophiel when you are sad as she will make you laugh .
is a loving and calming Angel who ’ s focus is justice . You may call upon Archangel Raguel to stop any arguing among your friends or family .
When you have your children invite their Angels and Archangels into their lives , you are providing them with a magical and creative tool that they can take with them into adulthood . Spending one day a week with your child writing angel letters is great way to spend quality time .

If you cannot find a smudge stick use white sage incense instead

Holistic Therapist & Reiki Master
Throughout her life , Jodi Pesca has always had a passion for everything Spiritual especially Angels . Not long after enrolling in a class that taught about Angels and their presence in our lives she felt the need to teach children about Angels and Spirituality . A Spiritual Author and teacher , Jodi ’ s work is grounded in the belief that we all have Guardian Angels that protect and guide us . With Jodi ’ s passionate commitment to sharing her beliefs through books , personal readings and healings she hopes to teach children and adults about their Angels .
http :// jodipesca . webs . com / or you can find her Facebook Page here .
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 23