Psychic Tarot Reader , Reiki Healer and Teacher .
Colours of the Angels is a healing modality that was channeled by Stephen Lovering of “
” I have been using this healing modality for approximately 10 years now and find it is a very accessible method to call on your Angels when you feel that you really could use some help . Just by visualising a colour you are instantly connected to the Arch Angel that you wish to receive assistance from and it is very calming when you feel their energy wash over you .
For those who opted to take advantage of the FREE ATTUNEMENT ( usual value $ 30 ), that was advertised only in the Cheeky Angels Magazine Newsletter , this took place on the 20th May . Full course details , and instructions on how to pass on the attunement to others were emailed before hand . This is the original course document as received from One Healing Academy and written by Stephen Lovering , I have not changed it in any way .
who serves in the First Ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and Power . who serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and Wisdom . who serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of Love . who serves on the Fourth or White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and Purity . who serves on the Fifth Ray or Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing and Truth . who serves on the Sixth Ray or Gold Ray which is the Ray of Peace . who serves on the Seventh Ray or Violet Ray which is the Ray of Freedom .
We can call on Archangel Michael when we are afraid of moving forward , or we are feeling lost and require guidance . His ray of protection and power assists us to face situations that can be considered overwhelming or when you are afraid of moving forward .
Archangel Michael also offers assistance with his sword that he carries at his side . You can ask him for assistance to cut ties with people that are negative and draining . When a relationship is no longer good for you and you need to move forward , Archangel Michael ’ s sword will sever the links to that bind you to that relationship . Also it can be used to cut the links to situations that are best left in the past .
Archangel Jophiel ’ s ray can be used when you need assistance with knowledge or inspiration . It is useful if you are doing exams to help focus your mind to recall information . In times of confusion Archangel Jophiel will offer wisdom and clarification .
Archangel Chamuel ’ s ray is the pink ray of love . It will assist you with all areas of love , especially with love of self . Once you feel comfortable with loving yourself , and accepting all that you are , you will find that the love you feel , radiates out to those around you . This in turn will attract more loving , gentle people to you .
Archangel Gabriel will assist you with your spiritual path . The beautiful ray of white ray of purity and harmony will assist you in your work with the light , helping you to work on your true spiritual path and in the assistance of others .
Archangel Raphael uses the green ray of healing and truth . This ray can be used for healing yourself or for healing others . It can also be used to heal wild animals or family pets . If you are doing past life healing it can help to smooth over the troubles you have brought into this lifetime with you .
Archangel Uriel ’ s gold ray of peace and harmony can be used to bring peace into your life , but also on a much larger scale , it can be used to encourage peace and harmony throughout the world . It is also the ray that would be used to help the world heal after a natural disaster had occurred or indeed to stop one from occurring .
Archangel Zadkiel can assist you in bringing the joy of freedom into your life , he will help release you from negativity and bring forgiveness and justice into your life . This freedom will bring you more firmly onto your spiritual path , and give you the freedom to take up opportunities as they present to you .
I have been reading the Tarot for the major part of my adult life , at least the last 23 years or so , and I am happiest when I am reading for a client , when I can see that I have in some small or large way helped them to cope with their perceived problems . My journey in this life is to be of assistance to others and to help them grow & learn , this in turn allows me to help myself in the same way .
I am lucky to have some amazing Guides of my own , both in the Spirit world and here on Earth . With the wisdom of others & the ability to filter out the things I need and the things that do not serve me , I have seen big progress in my Spiritual journey and have gained acceptance of the things in my life that have been sent to try me .
My other passion is healing . I am a Usui Reiki Master but also have studied , and been attuned to many other healing modalities . When healing , I think it is important to work on every part of the problem , the ethereal , the physical and the emotional ; all play a part in manifesting disease in the body . With the use of the Reiki energy this is achieved . With Tarot and Reiki , I feel I have wonderful tools to assist and ease the burdens of others .
I am excited to be part of this magazine , because it is a platform for many wonderful points of view and also for learning and sharing .
Blessed Be www . psychicstella . com
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 20