Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 16


Hi there ,
My question is regarding tarot cards . I understand what the individual cards mean , but I can ' t understand how to read the cards all together . How do I connect the cards together rather than just understanding them individually ?
Thankyou kindly Tanya
Thank you for your question ; it is a common question that a lot of learners would share . Once you have learnt the basic meanings for each of the cards it can seem impossible to read them with any sense of flow . The problem stems from the belief that each card has a set meaning and that this meaning cannot be changed , in which case your readings will be very stop / start and not seem to flow very well at all . It is a big step when you are learning the cards but it is necessary that you try not to concentrate too much on the stated meanings that are given to each card , but in fact try to rely more on what you are feeling / sensing / hearing when you are giving the reading .
For example : You may have pulled out of the pack , the 2 of pentacles , the fool and the Page of swords :
The Two of Pentacles represents a time in your life where you are doing very well , you are able to sustain all of your wants and needs through the work that you are doing . You are happy with the way things are going and can carry on working and also enjoying your life with a sense of security that things are not going to deteriorate and leave you wanting .
The Fool represents a time of moving into something new without too much thought , irrational decisions without much forethought as to the outcome of actions . Stepping out into an unknown area , having all of your skills and abilities with you , but letting excitement move you rather than rational or logical thought .
person is doing very well for themselves and are in a position where everything seems to be going according to plan but that the situation lacks a challenge and the excitement of something new . In comes the energy of the fool with his need for adventure without thought and the person is swept up in the excitement of plans to make changes and ready to accept new challenges . The page of swords is there as a reminder that excitement is short lived when reality kicks back in and that there is a need to listen and learn from the people who are more experienced in the situation you are undertaking , otherwise disappointment and failure may follow . So this simple three card spread would , in a nutshell , suggest that somebody who is very successful may decide to take on new ventures , and eagerly step ahead into an unknown area of expertise , but it carries the warning to make up for the shortfall in their own expertise by surrounding themselves with the right people to get the job done . If they leave arrogance behind and accept advice they will do well , but if they rush ahead as if they are indestructible , they will find out very quickly just how wrong they can be .


The Page of Swords represents somebody who is full of ideas and big plans for the future . Excitement again leads the way with this card , although the Page will ask the right questions of the right people , he will often move ahead too quickly without waiting for the correct answer . He is full of excitement but this directed towards the new project , he may become bored very easily as time goes by but if he mixes with the right people and takes his time he will succeed in his endeavours .
When reading these three cards , it would be a little confusing as to why with the first card that is showing success would somebody take the irrational move to leap into something new with the fool card , and backed up with the page of swords . When you use your intuition to assist you in the reading , you may find that the person is rather bored by the monotony of the initial situation , yes the
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