Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 14

We hope you enjoyed our interpretations of ‘ The Fool ’ in our last Edition and that it helped you or perhaps there was something in there that you had not thought about before . It is really interesting seeing and reading others perspectives . It doesn ’ t matter at what stage you are as a Tarot Reader , you will always see something different or your Guides will help you interpret it differently .
So , you have met ‘ The Fool ’ at the start of his journey naively going on his merry way - now meet ‘ The Magician ’.
When the Magician card appears in

STELLA a spread it brings to mind the

beginn ing of a new phase / chapter in your life . This is a period where you are able to power ahead and manifest all of the things that you dream of . You have all of the necessary tools at your disposal to make a real go of success and you will be doing so under the watchful eyes of the Gods , who will assist in many ways . It is a time when it is necessary to use your intellect , and take note of everything that is going on around you that could possibly interrupt your flow toward achievement .
The Magician card is usually represented by a man in a white gown with a red jacket over the top . The white gown represents the purity of the situation , a new situation that is yet to be explored and the red gown shows that the person in question has experience & knowledge to back them up . He is much wiser than the previous card of the Fool , who rushes ahead blindly toward his objective . The Magician stands at a table which contains all of the suits of the tarot deck ( earth , air , fire and water ) which shows that he is equipped fully to reach his goal , if he uses all of the resources available to him , body , mind , heart and soul . He is standing holding a staff that is pointed up toward the sky with a symbol of eternity above his head and his other hand pointing down towards the Earth . This shows that he is able to channel the energy from the vast universe to manifest his desires upon the Earth plane .
There is of course a warning with the Magician . He stands in a bed of flowers , but intertwined with the pretty flowers are thorny roses , which whilst beautiful hold danger . This is a reminder that it is easy to become overconfident when things are going your way so easily . It is a reminder that you should be careful that you do not become arrogant and big headed in your success . It is also a reminder that with over confidence it is easy to be swayed along a path that will lead to your destruction . It is important to keep your intellect intact at all times and to know fully what is the outcome that you desire , so as not to be mislead and swayed from your path by somebody underhanded and manipulative . It is always important to keep our wits about us and to keep ourselves grounded in any venture that we undertake . It is possible to achieve great heights , as long as our feet remain firmly on the ground and our head remains out of the clouds .
One more reminder of the Magician is that when we are using our skills to our best advantage , and we come to a standstill , it is important to stop and reassess that we are actually using all of the skills that we possess in order to achieve the best outcome . Do not focus entirely on the most obvious , but dig deeper within ourselves for all the knowledge that may be useful in the current situation .
I have read many stories based

JO about the Major Arcana and it is interesting how people interpret . You see you could have ‘ The Fool ’ as the main character who visit ’ s each Major Arcana or of course ‘ The Fool ’ could morph into any of these Major Arcana . I like to think that it is ‘ The Fool ’ s ’ journey and he is visiting the Magician for advice on how to move forward on his journey . When I pull this card I always have the immortal words of Sir Winston Churchill in my head : '

'. Of course this was about winning World War 2 but if you look at it the Magician always has tools around him so he can magically complete what he
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