HAVE A QUESTION YOU WANT ANSWERING OR A STORY TO SHARE ? If you have a spiritual / holistic question you would like answering or indeed share your spiritual experiences we would love to hear from you - send an email to : cheekyangelsmagazine @ gmail . com
Short past life readings
Lynessia Nicholson . by past life expert
The need for a past life reading is prompted by present life trigger circumstances . There are many circumstances in life which will trigger a need for a past life reading . In general , the individual is unable to pinpoint the root , or cause of their problem / issue in this lifetime , and need to go back to the source to acknowledge the circumstances connected with the beginning of the issue ( s ), come to understand them , choose to see them in a different light , release them , fill the void with love and acceptance , heal , and bring that healing forward into the current lifetime ..
This also includes relationships , twin flame , soul mate and familiar connections with people , places , buildings and surroundings . It also helps us move forward and releases blocks from our present lives so we can move on to create happiness and peace .
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I went to look at a house in a view to rent . It was perfect , the bathroom was on the top floor with a nice wooden cupboard little did I know what was behind it when I moved in . I went upstairs and I opened the cupboard , it was then that it all started . I felt something walk through me and I thought nothing of it at the time but when I went to sleep that night I felt something laying upon me and I could not speak or move . The next night I slept in another bedroom and it happened again . I moved to several rooms with the same occurrence . My partner at the time had a hip replacement and could not make it upstairs so I decided to sleep downstairs with her . She told me that she felt a hand on her thigh and I told her what happened while she was in hospital . We spoke for a while then fell asleep , it happened again to me this time I shouted get off me and it went away .
I have moved to several flats since and it as happened lots of times . The most scary was at my last flat i can only describe it as a queue of spirits laying on me in turn . One was so heavy the bed groaned under the weight and so I turned to Facebook for help . I found a site that offered me a cleansing prayer to say for 7 days . Since then I have met someone and I ’ m now doing a psychic development class with great results . I ’ m getting married later this year and I still sense the odd spirit but have only seen a cat and heard my late Granddad .
All is good Love and Light Richard xxx
HAVE A QUESTION YOU WANT ANSWERING OR A STORY TO SHARE ? If you have a spiritual / holistic question you would like answering or indeed share your spiritual experiences we would love to hear from you - send an email to : cheekyangelsmagazine @ gmail . com
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 12