Chautauqua Star May 2, 2014 | Page 31

LoCaL sPorts 31 CHAUTAUQUA STAR FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014 COMMEnTARy, COnTInuED FROM PAgE 25 Okay. No big deal, right? Well, Escobar contended that the count was actually 4-2 and he should have been awarded a walk. The umpires went to the instant replay system. Fans watching at home could clearly see that Escobar was right. It should have been a no-brainer for the umps on the other side of those phones. The umps took off the headsets and still called Escobar out. WHAT? Since when can a player be called out with a 4-2 count? I thought instant replay was supposed to fi x these types of human errors. Well, if anything positive came out of the whole Escobar ordeal, it’s that you get to read my obligatory instant replay commentary (sound the trumpets here). Honestly, I was against instant replay when I first heard about it. I’ve always liked the human element that the umpires bring. To be frank, they’re darn good at their jobs, too. If you watched one of those bang-bang plays at first base in real time, there’s almost no way you could tell what happened. But these guys are always in the right spot and I would say get the call right 90 percent of the time. That other 10 percent is a problem, you say? Yeah, maybe if it always went against your favorite team. But some calls will go for you and some will go against you. It’s a long season and these things have a way of balancing out. Also, baseball is already a very long game. Major League Baseball likes to hype up the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry as mustsee TV, but how many people can sit and watch another 4.5-hour long baseball game with a dozen pitching changes? It seems like MLB should be trying to speed up games, not make them longer. Though after seeing it in action (with the Escobar disaster being an outlier), I’m much more neutral towards instant replay. It really doesn’t take all that long in the grand scheme of things. There are trained umpires on the other end that have lots of camera angles and slow motion replays to make sure the call is right. After, what, 90 seconds or so, the call is right one way or the other. It’s easy to think back and wonder what might have happened to a guy like Armando Galarraga, who as you might remember was robbed of a