FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014
KniGHts of tHe Card taBLe 29
trieste: the Perfect Game for small Gaming Groups
game about government.
Can you imagine the
boredom? But I digress.
This game has each player
take on one of three roles
— the city watch, the
merchants and the thieves.
The merchants are paying
the city watch to arrest the
thieves, who are in turn
trying to rob the merBy Sir Melvin Pistachio bACkgROunD
Trieste was designed by
chants. No, Trieste is defiOfficial Knight of the
Matthew Ma and is pub- nitely not a friendly Euro
Card Table
lished by Victory Point
game where nothing bad
ever happens to players.
Collectible card games, role- Games, which markets
themselves as “The Little
playing games, living card
Game Company That
games and board games
The game is relatively
Could.” The game can
aren’t exactly ‘sports’, but
simple to play. Each
be played with three,
they’re a huge passion of
player plays nearly
and only three, playmine and many others.
simultaneously, though
ers. You’ll see why in a
In this weekly section I’m
the city watch always
minute. Approximate
going to review one of the
resolves first, followed
many games in my menag- play time is listed at 25
minutes, which I’ll agree by the merchants and
erie of awesomeness.
with. The first few times fi nally the thieves.
In my gaming group,
might take a while longer Each player first draws
we’re often stuck with
simply because you won’t two cards, either from
just three players. Unthe community treasure
know any of the cards
fortunately that severe- yet. Suggested ages are
pile or from their own
ly limits the number
13+ but I can see a child personal deck of characof games we can pull
as young as 10 years old ters and actions. They
off of the shelf. Even in getting into Trieste, as
can draw one from each
some of the games we
if they wish or two from
long as they have some
can play three playeither stack. Then each
gaming exp