Chautauqua Star May 2, 2014 | Page 21

motHer's day 21 CHAUTAUQUA STAR FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014 THAnk yOu TO MOMS EVERyWHERE, COnTInuED FROM Pg 18 ing up the baby who was screaming, which for some reason made him scream louder. Somehow, we managed to overcome all of this and more, and the boys eventually took their naps and woke up happy with a fresh start to our afternoon. If you walked into our house that afternoon, you would have no idea that any of this had taken place or that our dishes were overflowing the sink just two hours beforehand. But why am I sharing this with you? Not just for laughs, but because once upon a time your mother did this for you. On a daily basis, your mother, grandmother or caretaker faced similar situations that were necessary to grow y