10 Community news
FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014
Pancake Breakfast dmv, Clerk's office Get new atm machines
Contributed Article Tickets for the breakfast
Contributed Article
Boys and Girls Club of
Chautauqua County Clerk’s
are $6.00 for ages 5-59,
$5.00 for ages 60 and
up and children ages 4
and under are free.
The adult members of the
Winifred Crawford Dib- There is a cash drawing and tickets are only
ert Boys & Girls Club of
$1.00. There will also be
Jamestown are sponsora basket raffle. You do not
ing a pancake breakfast
on Saturday May 3, 2014 need to be present to win.
at the Boys & Girls Club Basket raffle tickets are
3/$1; 12/$3; and 20/$5.
– 62 Allen St. from 8:00
a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
All proceeds from this
The breakfast consists of annual event will benscrambled eggs, sausage, efit Boys & Girls Club
juice, milk and coffee or youth programming.
All youth programming
tea along with all-youcan-eat pancakes. A bake at the Boys & Girls Club
is funded in part by the
sale will also take place
United Way.
during the breakfast.
Chautauqua County Clerk Larry
Barmore with one of the new
ATM machines.
in Mayville where customers
can't use credit cards and have
master Gardener’s to Hold 4th annual Plant sale
Contributed Article nuals, vegetables, herbs
and shrubs from the
Master Gardeners’ gardens and our MG volThe Cornell Coopunteers will be available
erative Extension of
to answer questions,”
Chautauqua County
Master Gardener (MG) said Betsy Burgeson,
Coordinator of the MG
Program will be holding its 4th Annual Plant Program. In addition to
the plants, there will be
Sale on Saturday, May
10 in the Big Barn at the used gardening books,
gardening tools, and
Frank Bratt Ag Center.
Mother’s Day gardenThe Center is located
ing gift baskets. “Proon Turner Road off of
Route 60. The sale will ceeds of the sale will go
begin promptly at 9 a.m. to Cornell Cooperative
with no early sales and it Extension of Chautauwill end at 12 p.m. Cash qua County to keep
the Master Gardener
or Check only.
Program “growing.”
“We will have tried
Mrs. Burgeson said.
and true perennials, anCCMG
In an effort to better serve
customers, Chautauqua County
Clerk Larry Barmore has had
ATM machines conveniently
placed in the County Clerk's
office as well as the Jamestown
and Mayville, DMV offices.
"One of the fi rst issues I heard
about when I became County
Clerk was the inconvenience of
our customers having to go to
another location to get money
to complete their transactions,"
said Barmore. "The most
inconvenienced customers were
in the County Clerk's office
to leave the building and go
across the street or down the
block, sometimes losing their
valuable parking place and
having to go through the security checkpoint twice."
The ATM machines are available for use by the public and
employees for a nominal fee.
So far the ATM machines have
seen nearly daily use, exemplifying the need for this added
"We're always looking for ways
to improve customer service
without burdening the taxpayers," said Barmore. "We want to
be friendly, we want to be convenient and we want our customers
to have a good experience."
Burgeson also added that
there will be a new addition to this year’s sale.
“I am very happy to announce that we (the MG
Program) have partnered
with the artists of The
Resource Center’s Day
Habilitation Services
who will be selling their
garden art at the event.”
Many of the items are
re-purposed, such as
the bowling ball sculptures, and plant stands
made from “old” chairs.
Proceeds from their art
will be used to purchase
additional craft supplies
as well as items for The
Riverwalk Community
Labyrinth. H