FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014
Instead, I’m going
to urge everyone to
get outside and do
something. Anything.
Take this paper you’re
reading right now and
go sit in a park or on
your front porch. In
case you didn’t notice,
we just had one of the
longest, most brutally
cold winters in recent
memory. If you’re not
itching to get some
sunshine on your face,
something is terribly
wrong with you.
So what can you do?
I’m so glad you asked.
If you’ve read my columns in the past, you
know that I’ve recently
fallen in love with the
sport of golf. If you’re
not a golfer, now’s a
great time to start. If
you’re anything like
I was, you probably
think of golf as a game
for rich people and old
retired men. That’s not
true at all. Sure, getting
a set of clubs can set
you back, but you can
also buy them used
and save a considerable
amount of money.
If you’re able to, I
highly recommend
walking instead of
riding in a cart. First
off, you’ll obviously
get more exercise that
way. If you play a hilly
course like Cassadaga
Country Club, your
legs will defi nitely feel
it by the time you’re
putting your clubs
back in your car. It’s
an ache that tells you
that you just burned
some calories.
The other thing I’ve
found about walking a
course is that you get
to analyze your shots
more. If you have a
minute to walk up behind your shot you can
get a feel for the firmness of the ground, the
strength of the wind,
the distance, etc. I truly
feel it helps me play
better. Walking and
carrying my bag also
keeps me looser, which
helps my game as well.
Plus I’m playing golf to
enjoy the outdoors, too.
I don’t exactly want to
ride in a cart and be
done in an hour. Let
me take my time and
take those two hours
and enjoy the sun. It
also gives you more
time to walk and talk
with your friends or
family that you’re out
there with. There are
so many benefits to
golfi ng. Try it out if you
don’t already play.
Another activity that
I’m very much a fan
of is cycling. In fact,
I certainly know people
solely through pickup
basketball games down
at Wright Park in
Fast-pitch and slo-pitch
softball leagues are
also great ways to have
some fun and be active
during the summer.
Leagues are always
looking for more players. It’s another way to
socialize as well.
Something that I do
personally that I most
people would never
think of (but should)
Even President Obama (left) and John A.
is pitching horseshoes.
Boehner, Speaker of the United States House of
For as long as I can
Representatives enjoy playing golf. (AP image)
remember my dad and
I nearly rode my bike
on some miles and feel I have pitched horseto work this morning
great afterwards. As
shoes together. There
(this is being written
a reminder, though,
are a couple of leagues
on Monday) until I saw cyclists need to observe in the area. I believe
the 80 percent chance
the rules of the road
the Witch Kitch has
of thunderstorms this
just like motorists do.
one in Cassadaga and
afternoon. Riding is
Ride on the right side
there’s one in Jamegreat. Riding in the
of the road and stop at stown at/near Jamerain…not so much. But stop signs. Always wear stown Bowling Comfor people that might
proper safety equippany. It doesn’t seem
have bad knees or hips ment, too.
like much exercise
that would like to be
Of course, there’s
until you realize that
able to run and get
always basketball to be you’re throwing two
some exercise, cycling
played. There are pub- 2.5-pound horseshoes
is a great alternative.
lic courts throughout
over and over plus
I recommend getting
Chautauqua County
walking those 40-feet
a nice bike, however.
and nearly all of them
countless times. It
Riding a 15-year-old
are in use during a
adds up. Though exmountain bike can be
nice afternoon. Go
ercise isn’t the reason
frustrating instead of
down and join a pickup we do it. For me it’s
enjoyable. Use your
game. You’ll get some
a great way to spend
bike for transportation exercise and possibly
time with my dad,
and save some gas or
meet some new people. hone my skills and
just hit the road, put
enjoy being outside.
Being the sports editor
of the Chautauqua
Star, I felt compelled to
write about sports, but
that’s not even what I
should be getting at.
All I want people to do
is be outside and enjoy
the weather. Lay in a
hammock and read a
book. Take your work
outside to the picnic
table. Drink your
morning coffee on the
front porch instead of
in front of the TV.
This is especially
important if you have
children. Don’t let your
kids waste this Spring/
Summer on their
GameBoys or Playstations. Sign them up for
youth soccer or Little
There’s a lot of fu