FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014
JCC Student Art Exhibition
Opens April 24
exhibition. She earned a bachelor’s
degree in fine arts at West Virginia
University and did post-graduate
work in printmaking at Atelier 17 in
Jamestown Community College’s
Weeks Gallery will host an opening Paris, France.
reception for the annual student art Barie is also a professional artist
exhibition at 6 p.m. on April 24.
represented by galleries in Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and
The reception, free and
New York. Her work
open to the public, will
is included in several
feature performances
permanent collections
by JCC music students.
across the U.S.
The exhibition feaAs a painter, Barie
tures works from all
notes “…painting is an
JCC campuses and
intimate self-involved
includes painting,
craft, a gestural mardrawing and prints,
riage of materials. The
photography, 2D
resulting abstract compositions highand 3D works, ceramics, and new
media created during the 2013-2014 light my pure love of paint.”
academic year. Artistic excellence
The exhibition will be on display
and gallery awards will be presented until May 8. Gallery hours are Monduring an awards ceremony beginday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 11
ning at 6:30 p.m.
a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to
7 p.m.; and Friday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Judy Barie, director of galleries
for the Visual Arts at Chautauqua
Visit weeksgallery.sunyjcc.edu for
Institution, is the juror for this year’s more information.
"Battle Within" Program
Features Announced
Contributed Article
Contributed Article Syndrome and de-
mentia pugilistica, was
instrumental in passing
the current Concussion
“The Battle Within,”
Management Awarea presentation by
ness Act into New York
concussion awareness
state legislation. He
advocate and former
founded Second Impact
middleweight boxer
(www.TheSecondImRay Ciancaglini at 6
pact.com), which is
p.m. on May 1, will
dedicated to concussion
also feature a screening of the documentary awareness.
Head Games.
Ciancaglini is endorsed
The program and film, by the New York State
Athletic Trainers Assofree and open to the
ciation and has dedicatpublic, will be held in
ed his life to broadening
the Lenna Teleconthe public’s awareness
ference Theatre in
about concussions and
Hultquist Library on
Jamestown Community their effects on athletes.
He is a member of the
College’s Jamestown
Campus. JCC’s college Rochester Boxing Hall
of Fame and Geneva
program committee is
Sports Hall of Fame
sponsoring the event.
and has won the Golden
Ciancaglini, who is
Glove Heart Award,
battling Parkinson’s
Jerry Flynn Courage
Award, Rochester Hickok Hero Award, and
the New York Executive
Chamber Award.
Head Games, produced
by Steve James and
Bruce Sheridan, features
athletes and parents
sharing their personal
struggles dealing with
concussions from professional to youth levels.
Inspired by events from
the book Head Games
by Christopher Nowinski, the film offers
insights on head trauma
from the nation’s leading
medical experts.
Head Games was
named best documentary at the Boston Film
Festival in 2012, iTunes'
"Best of 2012" films, and
Movies.com's best sports
documentary of 2012.
The Kaleidoscope Family Series at Rockefeller Arts Center
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