range of contrasts in socio-economic groups .
The school community reflects a non- European component of 21 %, most of whom are Māori . Māori students ’ whakapapa to a broad range of iwi and areas . The main marae that have students contributing to the school include : Waimārama , Matahiwi , Kohupatiki , Houngarea , Te Hauke , Mihiroa and Waipatu . Ngāti Kahungungu kawa is followed in the school .
The school ’ s kaumatua , Jerry Hapuku has had a long standing connection to the school alongside many other schools in the region . His involvement with school hui , celebrations , mana tauira ceremonies and many other events each year is an important part of the culture and tikanga of the school .
The location of integrated schools in Havelock North and Hastings has provided a choice for parents that is quite wide ranging . The community has an overall level of education that is relatively high , with an attendant depth of cultural , sporting and educational interest . As a result , there is a very high level of expectation of the school , its performance and its achievements . At the same time , there is a very high level of support for the school . Those who are parents and those who are not , patronize the concerts and dramatic productions , provide sponsorship for school activities , help with coaching and tutoring , participate in general fundraising , and in many other ways contribute to the well-being and successful functioning of the school .