Develop a shared understanding of high expectations teaching and learning using Kāhui Ako Within School Teachers and staff professional learning to foster consistency of practice across the school campus .
Historical Position
The school places a high emphasis on quality teaching and learning . In 2022 , six Kāhui Ako Within School Teachers ( WST ) were appointed . The overarching vision for these positions is to foster , support and promote teaching excellence . Five staff remain in these positions with one new appointment made at the start of 2023 .
Link to Strategic Plan Goals : Goal 1 : People . Goal 2 : Learning . Goal 4 : School Culture . 2023 Goal The six WST will work both collaboratively and individually to develop their knowledge of pedagogical excellence in a chosen area . These areas were established in 2022 ( excluding recent appointment ) and include a focus on thinking skills , classroom routines , feedback , literacy , matāuranga Māori and academic risk taking . WST ’ s will develop an action plan early in the year using an inquiry model to establish current practice and to develop a model of best practice . This information will be shared with staff and WST ’ s will provide professional learning opportunities to teachers to improve practice . A framework of excellent teaching will be developed and incorporated into the current PGC documentation .
Focus Area Year Group Gender Ethnicity All levels Male and Female All
Goal 1 : People Goal 2 : Learning Goal 4 : School Culture
Action Responsibility Timeframe Resourcing Target :
WST develop an action plan for their area of focus
WST investigate current practice , expand knowledge of best practice and establish areas of focus for HNHS staff
WST develop and refine professional learning opportunities for staff in their area of focus .
Findings of the WST incorporated into a framework of teaching excellence
Deputy Principal WST
Deputy Principal WST
Principal Deputy Principal WST Principal SLT WST
Term 1 – 2023 |
N / A |
• Action plans provide a roadmap for action , |
outlining how each WST will investigate their area |
of focus . |
Term 2 and 3 - 2023
Terms 3 , 4 and ongoing
Term 4 – 2023
Professional learning for WST
Professional learning time for staff
Time for Kāhui Ako meetings
• Investigation involves a range of strategies including collecting student and staff voice through survey , observation and small group kōrero
• WST engage in professional learning to improve their understanding of the focus area .
• WST determine areas of need for HNHS staff and deliver professional learning as appropriate .
• Links made between area of need and student achievement
• WST provide professional learning in each of the focus areas . This may include workshops , resources , coaching , mentoring and modelling
• Framework co-constructed within the Kāhui Ako and consider how to incorporate into PGC