1 . Mana ōrite mō te mātauranga Māori - Integrate mātauranga Māori into the curriculum and develop the presence of te ao Māori in classrooms and around the school campus .
2 . Data Analysis - Refine current methods of monitoring junior student progress and data analysis to maintain high expectations of student achievement throughout years 9 and 10 .
3 . Pedagogy - Develop a shared understanding of high expectations teaching and learning using Kāhui Ako Within School Teachers and staff professional learning to foster consistency of practice across the school campus .
4 . Property - Advance the building programme by initiating the redevelopment of the 600 block ( previously Special Needs Unit ), completing the school Auditorium and progressing work on essential 10YPP projects .
5 . Achievement – Ensure that NCEA results exceed those of decile ( or similar equity index rating ) 8 – 10 schools through processes of advice , guidance and ongoing monitoring by subjects and form teachers .
6 . NCEA - Ensure the school is well positioned to transition to the new Level 1 standards in 2024 without compromising student achievement or the breadth of academic opportunities available to students .