" Know what you want to accomplish , how you intend to get there , and what you will do if it does – or does not – work out . Have a plan and stick with it . That works in trading , as well as in life .”
- Mark Fischer
“ I believe that one of the most important qualifications for a successful trader is ‘ POISE ’ which to me is defined as stability , a well-balanced person with dignity of manner — as it relates to the stock market . A poised person is a person who can handle their hopes and their fears in a calm manner .”
- Jesse Livermore
" Opportunities don ' t happen , you create them . " - Chris Grosser suriNotes . com
" Know what you want to accomplish , how you intend to get there , and what you will do if it does – or does not – work out . Have a plan and stick with it . That works in trading , as well as in life .”
- Mark Fischer
“ I believe that one of the most important qualifications for a successful trader is ‘ POISE ’ which to me is defined as stability , a well-balanced person with dignity of manner — as it relates to the stock market . A poised person is a person who can handle their hopes and their fears in a calm manner .”
- Jesse Livermore
" Opportunities don ' t happen , you create them . " - Chris Grosser suriNotes . com