Chart Patterns & Algo. Trader July 18, 2022 | Page 7

Chart Patterns & Algo . Trader ( A Weekly Publication )
“ The last hour often tells the truth about how strong a trend truly is . ‘ Smart ’ money shows their hand in the last hour , continuing to mark positions in their favor . As long as a market is having consecutive strong closes , look for an uptrend to continue . The uptrend is most likely to end when there is a morning rally first , followed by a weak close .”
– Linda Raschke
" To be a good trader , you need to trade with your eyes open , recognize real trends and turns , and not waste time or energy on regrets ."
- Alexander Elder
" Success is peace of mind that is a direct result of selfsatisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of being .”
- Anonymous suriNotes . com

Chart Patterns & Algo . Trader ( A Weekly Publication )

Market Quotes

“ The last hour often tells the truth about how strong a trend truly is . ‘ Smart ’ money shows their hand in the last hour , continuing to mark positions in their favor . As long as a market is having consecutive strong closes , look for an uptrend to continue . The uptrend is most likely to end when there is a morning rally first , followed by a weak close .”

– Linda Raschke

" To be a good trader , you need to trade with your eyes open , recognize real trends and turns , and not waste time or energy on regrets ."

- Alexander Elder

" Success is peace of mind that is a direct result of selfsatisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of being .”

- Anonymous suriNotes . com