Chart Patterns & Algo. Trader April 25, 2022 | Page 7

Chart Patterns & Algo . Trader ( A Weekly Publication )
“ A trader has to reverse what you might call his natural impulses . Instead of hoping he must fear ; instead of fearing he must hope . He must fear that his loss may develop into a much bigger loss , and hope that his profit may become a big profit .”
- Jesse Livermore
“ You can ’ t win without an edge , even with the world ’ s greatest discipline and money management skills . If you don ’ t have an edge , all that money management and discipline will do for you is to guarantee that you will gradually bleed to death . Incidentally , if you don ’ t know what your edge is , you don ’ t have one .”
- Jack Schwager ,
" One who believes in himself has no need to convince others ."
- Laozi suriNotes . com

Chart Patterns & Algo . Trader ( A Weekly Publication )

Market Quotes

“ A trader has to reverse what you might call his natural impulses . Instead of hoping he must fear ; instead of fearing he must hope . He must fear that his loss may develop into a much bigger loss , and hope that his profit may become a big profit .”

- Jesse Livermore

“ You can ’ t win without an edge , even with the world ’ s greatest discipline and money management skills . If you don ’ t have an edge , all that money management and discipline will do for you is to guarantee that you will gradually bleed to death . Incidentally , if you don ’ t know what your edge is , you don ’ t have one .”

- Jack Schwager ,

" One who believes in himself has no need to convince others ."

- Laozi suriNotes . com