Chart Our Future City of Lake Forest Parks & Recreation Master Plan | Page 104

Chart Our Future Residents shared their ideas for the next five to ten years via an online survey called Chart our Future. The online engagement platform consisted of a webpage and a survey hosted through SurveyMonkey. Both were available 24/7 to provide information on the planning process and allow participants the opportunity to give input on programs, parks, and facilities at their leisure. The survey consisted of 17 multiple choice questions with opportunities for residents to add comments after several of the questions. The platform served as a replacement to in-person community meetings and to supplement the previously completed mail-out survey. It did not produce statistically valid results. Topic Overview The survey questions were divided into four overarching question groups: Demographics, Parks, Facilities, and goals. The survey was open for the full four-week period. All questions were optional and provided participants with the opportunity to skip the question. The following results do not reflect the views of all respondents but are a summary of the multiple-choice questions and the most prevalent comments. Due to a survey error question 6 was not available to survey participants and was omited from the data set. Participation and Traffic Launched on May 18, 2018, Chart our Future was one method for engaging Parks and Recreation Department users about parks, programs, and facilities. Over the four-week period, 740 people completed all or part of the survey. The average completion rate for the survey was 75%. In addition to links on the project website, the survey was shared on the City’s website and the Department Facebook page. 104 CITY OF LAKE FOREST PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 4