Chart Our Future City of Lake Forest Parks & Recreation Master Plan | Page 19

PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Implement Deerpath Community Park Improvements • Coordinate potential Recreation Facility renovation or reconstruction with park master plan • Consider trending and in-demand amenities with regional draw including: • Splash pad • Artificial turf fields and sports lighting • Obstacle/challenge course play components • Restrooms with water fountains • Improve park drainage to reduce flooding • Consider relocating and/or reorienting sports fields to improve playability Description Deerpath Community Park is one of the City of Lake Forest’s two community parks and is one of the more centrally located properties. It is also the location of the Parks and Recreation Department offices and Recreation Center and is located adjacent to Deerpath Middle School. This park is highly visible in the community due in part to its location and surrounding land uses, and as one of the only locations with multiple sports fields. As with many other Department amenities, Deerpath Park has been described by residents as outdated and lacking the necessary activities. Additionally, the site experiences frequent flooding along the western edge that causes soccer field closures which affect practices and games. The Lake Forest community identified several outdoor amenities that could be developed at Deerpath Community Park to revitalize resident interest and meet the demand for new and trending activities. Because of its classification as a drive-to community park, overall size, large amounts of available parking, and high visibility and use, Deerpath Community is a viable location for in-demand amenities that will be regional draws. Splash pads were mentioned frequently as desired amenities by all of the Connect Phase groups. These are typically popular amenities and require additional support amenities to maximize success such as parking, easy utility access, and nearby restrooms and/or locker rooms, all which already exist within Deerpath Community Park. One of the most frequent critiques of Connect Phase respondents was the need to modernize and update playgrounds to provide trending and exciting options. Similarly to splash pads, large, unique playgrounds such as obstacle or challenge courses tend to draw large crowds from all areas of the community. Providing high-quality sports fields for practice and games was one of the most highly prioritized amenities identified by stakeholders, board members, staff members, and online survey respondents. One way to improve sports fields and maximize the playable season is through the installation of artificial turf and other enhancements such as sports lighting. Deerpath Community Park is a good location for synthetic turf as it is already one of the only locations with multiple playing fields and could also provide partnership opportunities by allowing school use. Additionally, artificial turf would help mitigate some of the drainage challenges that frequently lead to canceled practices and games. While restrooms are available at the Recreation Center, it may not always be convenient for park users to use them due to the size of the park or they may be unavailable when the building is closed but the park is still in use. Flushable restrooms are becoming increasingly expected in affluent communities such as Lake Forest. A centrally located restroom specifically for park use would likely enhance visitor comfort and would be beneficial for special events such as sports games and camps. Such a building could also incorporate a shelter and seating. Potential changes to the Recreation Center also have the potential to affect park use and available open space. The recommendations for this facility determined by the Indoor Space Needs study should be considered when developing the park improvements. ENVISION: STRATEGIES CITY OF LAKE FOREST PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN 19