Charlotte MOVES Task Force Report December 2020 | Page 65

Equity and Access to Opportunity

Charlotte Future 2040 Objective
5B | Increase access in our historically underinvested communities and travel modes to support equitable and affordable travel options
Measure Arc population served by TMN
( within ½ mile )
Charlotte Future 2040 Objective
5B | Increase access in our historically underinvested communities and travel modes to support equitable and affordable travel options
Measure Low-wage jobs within 1 / 2 mile of TMN
( jobs paying less than $ 1,250 per month )

+ 56 %

increase in Arc population served

+ 111 %

increase in low-wage jobs served
FUTURE WITH TMN 92 % of future population within Arc served by TMN and current multimodal system
58 % of population within Arc served by current multimodal system
91 % 39 % of existing low-wage of low-wage jobs served jobs served by TMN by current multimodal and current multimodal system system
WHAT | The Transformational Mobility Network 55