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ALIGN our mobility investment with related initiatives :
The Task Force proposes an intentional commitment to aligning our mobility investment program ( TMN ) with the goals and strategies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and priorities of affordable housing and upward mobility .
Therefore , the Task Force recommends :
1 . Identifying a mode-share target to measure our progress and prioritize mobility investments to ensure we achieve our Strategic Energy Action Plan and Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan objectives .
2 . Developing a program that includes funding and policy designed to protect people against displacement and promote housing affordability along our transit corridors . Incorporate the necessary funding into the mobility investment program ( TMN ).
3 . Exploring the feasibility of a transit fare reduction program .
Commit the RESOURCES to achieve the vision :
The Task Force proposes a clear and straightforward “ single source ” funding strategy for the mobility investment program ( TMN ) that considers the City and County ’ s growth over 30 years and fully funds implementation within a 10- year period financed over a 30-year timeframe . The Task Force understands that details of the financing will be worked out in a financing plan which considers other city priorities during the program timeframe .
Therefore , the Task Force recommends , “ One Cent for Mobility ”:
1 . A one cent sales tax for mobility projects ( transit and non-transit ) that excludes groceries and medication ( as currently ) to fund the local portion of the mobility investment program ( TMN ) with necessary State Legislative authorization and Mecklenburg County voter approval (“ One Cent for Mobility ” Referendum ).
2 . And ( if needed to augment sales tax ), a significant one-time City of Charlotte Capital Investment Program ( CIP ) bond for mobility , supported through an increase in property tax and City voter bond approval .
3 . Committing to a “ One Cent for Mobility ” referendum in the Fall of 2021 .
Preface iii