The TMN is organized into focused multimodal categories layered together to achieve an integrated transformational network . Organized by the following :
Rapid Transit Corridors
Big Idea : Implement the 2030 Transit Corridor System Plan
Bus Priority System
Big Idea : Reimagine our Bus Experience
Greenway System
Big Idea : Create Pedestrian and Bike Superhighways
Bicycle Network
Big Idea : Stitch Together Commuting Corridors
Pedestrian Walkability
Big Idea : Go All-In on the First and Last Mile
The TMN , while derived from our plans , is not simply a catalog of projects , but a program intended to achieve key outcomes for our City .
These outcomes extend from the Guiding Principles , Vision Elements , and Plan Goals of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and include the themes of :
Health & Sustainability . Access to healthy food and lifestyles and carbon-reducing mobility .
Safety . Access to safe and comfortable mobility .
Equity and Access to Opportunity . Access for upward economic mobility .
Regional Growth & Connectivity . Access to the growth and economic opportunities of our region .
Roadway Network
Big Idea : Focus on Safety , Capacity , and Connectivity
WHAT | The Transformational Mobility Network 27