Charles Williams Primary Prospectus Issue 1 (November 2015) | Page 3

Welcome Croeso On behalf of the children, staff and governors I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child as they begin their learning journey with us. We are a voluntary aided Church in Wales Primary School that has been serving the community of Caerleon for almost 300 years. This prospectus should give you a real insight into what our school is like. More detailed information is included as an insert in the printed version of the prospectus or via the hyperlink on the electronic version. We are incredibly proud of our school and stand by our moto: ‘Cais Oleuni – Seek the Light’; but don’t simply take our word for it – visit us so you can see for yourself. We are an English speaking .school that is proud of our Welsh heritage. Welsh as a second language is taught to all pupils on a daily basis.