Personal power is finite, it’s precious, and it is the single most important ingredient to your happiness. It is a currency and you only get so much to spend.
In a complicated and complex world with too many moving parts to keep track of, keeping your personal power in tact can seem like an impossible task, and yet in reality you never really lose it, you only give it away. You give it away in big bits and tiny bits through blame.
Anytime you think something is happening to you, it’s actually something you’re doing to yourself.
Anything you think something is hurting you, it’s actually something you’ve allowed.
Anytime you think someone has injured you, they are actually someone you’ve chosen.
This isn’t about right and wrong. It’s about responsibility. The path to peace has no victims and no villains, and make no mistake, where is the is a villain, there is a victim. If you are victimized in some way great or small, tangible or intangible, you chose it.
Denouncing blame is the equivalent of choosing autonomy. Being self directed, and ultimately responsible for your circumstances and feelings is the only way to buy happiness you can bank on.
If you’re blaming you’re giving away the most precious thing you have to give, your power, and once gone, it’s very, very hard to buy it back.
We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change.
~Katharine Hepburn