Charismatic Woman March Edition | Page 20

Now, how would you live if you were already that person? Notice where you could upgrade and redefine to bring that picture into sharp focus.

What would you wear? Would that pile of laundry be in the corner of your room? Would your car be a mobile heap of take-out containers or clean and cared for? Would you have a view of the mountains? Or a city-scape? Would your writing desk have a vase of flowers on it?

Decide who you want to be: a home-based entrepreneur? A published author living in New York? A stay-with-the-kids mom? Skinny? Rich? You name it … it’s possible for you. Your job now is to get clear on what that looks like.

Every spring, there’s the usual deluge of cleaning/decluttering advise.

This is not your usual article.

This is about spring cleaning with a PURPOSE … more than just aiming for sparkling counters and closets that don’t avalanche on your head when you open them.

What if I told you that you could use your home to kick-start your dream life? Amplify the Law of Attraction?

What if you could live right now as the woman you dream of becoming?

What if your house could help you make your dreams come true?

It can.

Here’s the blueprint:


Get the Picture

Clear out

Ok, now here’s the thrilling part … go through your home/closets/purse and throw out anything that doesn’t reflect that person.

So those clothes that make you feel frumpy and fat? Out!

That picture from Aunt Maud that you hate? Out!

The plastic containers with no lids, and the lids with no containers? Out!

Special Love Note: Please don’t try and do this all at once. You’ll end up frazzled and overwhelmed and right back where you started. Take on one drawer, one shelf, one portion of a room at a time. 15 minutes a day will add up to a complete transformation in a month.

Spring Cleaning for LOA Activation

The Goddess Known as jacquii