Charbonneau Villager Newspaper October 2020 | Page 22


A year of transition for the CCC budgeting process

New budget process will look ahead three or more years

This is a year of transition for the Charbonneau Country Club budgeting process . After reviewing HOA budgeting guidelines and best practices documents , there are important changes we are making this year .
Instead of looking at one year into the future , the new budget process will look ahead three or more years . Instead of reviewing one consolidate budget , the new process will look years ahead as three sets of budget decisions :
� Operations for reoccurring revenues and expenses
� Reserves for non-reoccurring replacement and maintenance of assets
� Capital improvements for adding or expanding the amenities available to residents and increasing the value to the community as a whole
The Reserve Study is prepared by contracted services covering all existing assets and looks 30 years into the future for financial analysis . For
operations and capital improvements , all board committee chairs have submitted initial budget requests and forecasts ( 2021-2023 ) to the general manager . There are opportunities for residentowners to review the process intermediate and final results :
� Oct . 6 : First budget draft presented
� Nov . 3 : Second budget draft submitted and possibly approval
� Dec . 1 : Last date to pass a budget which declares annual resident-owners assessments for 2021 .
Part of this year ’ s transition process is the newly formed Financial Oversight Committee which oversees the long-term planning , formulating and monitoring of the budget and financial forecasts and policies to assure that adequate resources are available to meet the longterm goals set by the board in its fiduciary responsibility to the resident-owners of Charbonneau . This committee is composed of board members and resident-owners . If anyone has a sincere interest in contributing expertise and their time to this committee , please contact John McLain , chair .

Boys & Girls Aid


Helping foster kids as pandemic continues

I don ’ t know about you , but this pandemic is freaking me out . It seems that everything I see screams : Suck it up buttercup , change how you always have lived your life . Incessantly ,
NIKLAS the talking heads tell
you : No grumbling . It is exhausting .
I remember the exhausting , endless changing I had to do to survive child abuse . Dealing with drunken violent parents was tough enough , but going to live with strangers was terrifying . This new family was so different . They all ate at a big dining table and they passed bowls of food around . When the youngest boy of the family took what I considered a too big portion of the mashed potatoes , I belted out “ Pig ” dead into his face . During the shocked silence , I quickly reassessed my situation , and muttered a shame-faced “ No .” Too late , I remembered this family didn ’ t call names . I hung my head for the awaited punishment , but instead , laughter rang in the room . They accepted my “ Pig ! No .” I was accepted just as I was . The incident of “ Pig / No ” was forever enshrined in my eventually adopted family ’ s lexicon . I was lucky .
Now , add the pandemic stress on top of what our foster kids are already facing with family disruption , courts and a dizzying path of foster families . These children live in continual transition . It is more than exhausting , it is
soul rendering . But here in Oregon we have a service that addresses the needs of our fragile children , Boys and Girls Aid . When children enter the programs be it infants in the Nest , Seneca House for girls , or STEP ( Stabilization , Transition , Evaluation Program ) for boys , the Safe Place for runaways , the Compass for aging out foster children who need skill building or TLP ( Transitional Living Program ) for homeless young adults who seek to move toward self-sufficiency ; all are being served during the pandemic .
A major supporter of the work done by Boys and Girls Aid , is the Cypress Branch in Charbonneau . These intrepid souls continue to transition all their events and fundraisers to accommodate the Covid-19 Pandemic , by learning new skills and “ thinking outside the box .” These dedicated ladies glow with a fierceness of a mother bear protecting her young . They refuse to let this Pandemic lessen their support . Their values remind me of Chinese proverbs I have on my kitchen wall , that I try to practice every day . One proverb states : Crisis is danger and opportunity . Blessings be on those that see the opportunities in any crisis .
But the best of all proverbs is : Courage to Change : “ To seek unknown potential . It takes great courage and inner strength to change from what is known and comfortable to something which is new and fresh . That which is unknown often contains our greatest potential . To seek our potential by risking change is the path of true greatness and such action brings great favor and untold blessings .” This is the inner light of Boys and Girls Aid . These tenacious ladies are excited about the amazing possibilities in this new 20 / 21 year . To learn more about the Cypress Branch of Boys and Girls Aid here in Charbonneau please go to www . cypressonline . org .
If you ’ d like to learn more about the work of Boys & Girls Aid Organization , please visit our website at www . boysandgirlsaid . org .

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