Chapter 4 Chemical kinematics Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 4 Chemical Kinematics Chemistry Class 12 | Page 7

For first order chemical reactions ,
( Vo , Vt , and ∞ are the volumes of NaOH solution used for the titration of same volume of the reaction mixture after times 0 , t and ∞ respectively .)
Pseudo First Order Reaction
Chemical reactions which appear to be of higher order but actually are of the lower order are called pseudo order reactions . In case of pseudo first order reaction , chemical reaction between two sr ” stances takes place and one of the reactant is present in execess . e . g ., hydrolysis of ester .
[ r O r t , and r ∞ .. are the polarimetric readings at t = 0 , t and ∞ , respectively .] Methods to Determine Order of Reaction ( i ) Graphical method