Chapter 4 Chemical kinematics Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 4 Chemical Kinematics Chemistry Class 12 | Page 3

Instantaneous Rate of Reaction
Rate of a chemical reaction at a particular moment of time , is known as instantaneous rate of reaction .
For reaction ,
Methods for measuring reaction rate ( i ) pH measurement , ( ii ) change in optical activity , ( iii ) change in pressure , ( iv ) change in conductance .
Slowest step of a reaction was called rate determining step by van ’ t Hoff .
Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
1 .
Nature and concentration of reactant
2 .
3 .
Surface area of reactant
4 .
Radiations and catalyst
5 .
Pressure of gas
Rate Law Expressions
According to the law of mass action , For a chemical reaction , aA + bB → Products
Rate α [ A ] a [ B ] b = k [ A ] a [ B ] b