Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered ( by Alexander Fleming ) in 1929 . It is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic . Ampicillin and amoxicillin are semisynthetic Illodifications of penicillin .
Penicillin is not suitable to all persons and some Personsare allergic to it . Consequently , it is essential to test the patients for sensitivity ( or allergy ) to penicillin , before it is administered .
In India , penicillin is manufactured at Pimpri and Rishikesh ( Uttarakhand ).
Broad-spectrum antibiotics also called antibiotics , are antibiotics which are effective against different types of harmful microorganisms . e . g ., Tetracycline , chloramphenicoltgiven in case of typhoid , dysentery , fever ofloxacin , etc .
2 . Antiseptics
These are the chemicals which either kill or prevent the growth microorganisms . Antiseptics are applied to the living tissues such wounds , cuts , ulcers and skin diseases in the form of antiseptic creams like furacin and soframycin . e . g ., Some important examples of antiseptics are
( i ) Dettol is a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol .
( ii ) Bithional is added to soaps to impart antiseptic properties to reduce the odours produced by bacterial organic matter on the skin .