2 . Perfumes These solutions have pleasent odour and invariably consist of three ingredients : a vehicle ( ethanol + H20 ), fixative e . g ., sandalwood oil , benzoin , glyceryl diacetate etc .) and odour producing substance ( e . g ., terpenoids like linalool , anisaldehyde ( p-methoxy-benzaldehyde etc .)
3 . Talcum Powder It is used to reduce irritation of skin . Talc ( Mg3 ( OH ) 2Si4O10 ), chalk , Zno , zinc sterate and a suitable perfume are the constituents of talcum powder .
4 . Deodorants These are applied to mask the body odour . These possess antibacterial properties . Aluminium salts , ZnO , Zn02 , ( C17H35COO ) 2Zn can be used in deodorant preparation .
Rocket Propellants Substances used for launching rockets are called rocket propellants . These are the combination of an oxidiser and a fuel .
Depending upon the physical states of oxidiser and fuels , rocket propellants are classified as
Solid Propellants These are further divided into two classes
( i ) Composite propellants In these propellants , fuel is polymeric binder such as polyurethane or polybutadiene and oxidiser is ammonium per chlorate or potassium perchlorate .