Chapter 11. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Chapter 11 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Class 12 | Page 3

In allylic alcohols , – OH group is attached to sp 3 hybridised carbon but next to C = C bond .
e . g ., CH2 = CH – CH2OH , Benzylic alcoho1 ( C6H5CH2OH )
Structure of Alcohols and Phenols
The oxygen atom of alcohols is Sp 3 hybridised and they have tetrahedral position of hybrid atomic orbitals .
The value of LROH bond angle depends upon the R group . For methyl alcohol , it is ( ∠C – O – H ) 108.9 ° due to repulsion of lone pairs .
In phenols , the – OH group is attached to Sp 2 hybridised carbon and thus , the C – O bond acquires a partial double bond character .
Nomenclature of Alcohols and Phenol
In IUPAC , system , alcohol or alkanols are named by replacing the last word ‘ e ’ of the corresponding alkane by ‘ ol ’. e . g .,