Dedicated PLAYER JOURNAL Magazine
When you first go to your
magazine (check out
http://reedklubnik.actiongallerypros.com for our sample) you will see a few things right away:
1 - tight integration with social media... share directly from the pages to all your friends and family, quickly and easily
2 - easy to understand page navigation showing what page you're on and enabling you to click backwards and forwards
3 - information which is where you can go to print pages (and later order more copies)
4 - an easy to usual VISUAL index to the pages
5 - an easy to understand flip forward (and a backward complement will be on the opposite page) button
on the website using your browser on your
computer or mobile device
Varsity pages will feature game stats but each game will
have a break out section for the game with custom information from that week's game as we can get it...
Track gets into HIGH GEAR!