CHAPS Illustrated Issue 15 JAN 15 2015 | Page 5


Some things are going to change in our gallery program:


One thing we're going to do is FILTER more on our end. This means that we will start eliminating duplicate looking shots from successive games so that you have shots that look more distintive and unique. This may mean that you won't get as many shots in the gallery to look through, but it doesn't mean that we're getting rid of them. If you buy the season DIGITAL DOWNLOAD (yes, no more CD unless you absolutely need it) we'll include those shots that meet our quality standards (gallery will grow right before we release the digital download and we'll send you an e-mail to download the whole gallery). We use those shots for our posters, ads, etc. but you won't have to look through them all.


Did you know that we invest more than 80% of our revenues from our gallery program right back into the business? We buy software, computers, lenses, cameras, digital backdrops, etc. One of the things we have invested in recently is digital software programs that allows us to apply specialized effects to our photos. We will be using the time we would have used to clean up the multiple shots that you won't see to apply effects to the best shots, giving you multiple versions of those best shots (black and white, sepia and photo tinting and grunge, etc.) which you WILL see in the gallery each week. We couldn't do this without more filtering because it takes time to process all these effects, so we're trading the time we used before to make lots of shots look great to make the fewer great shots look even better!


You will see some things go away like the "shot of the season" as a standard part of the VARSITY ALL STAR program. You can still purchase a-la carte offerings of all the things we drop, but as you'll see on the following pages, it's going to be so much better for our new offering that you won't miss it at all.