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Meikle talks about both strategic and tactical media. Tactical media is when information is ‘fed’ to the masses even if they are unwilling and unexpecting it, because usually major media outlets are used or taken advantage of. This can be related to the Breast Cancer Awareness ‘campaign’ on Facebook that is discussed- using the medium of Facebook in a tactical way in order to feed information to the masses was definitely employed by the creators of the so called movement or campaign, and this was certainly a smart move seeing as it became instantly viral across the globe. On the other hand, both strategic and tactical media were certainly employed by the makers of the Kony 2012 movement and campaign. Strategic media is a type of media activism that connotes to the creation of more permanent and somewhat more alternative media outlets. Strategic media was used because once again Facebook was used as a platform to spread the Kony 2012 video and thus it became viral. However, tactical media was also employed as the website received many hits as people were hearing about it (mostly through word of mouth or through Facebook), and many posters were displayed throughout various places throughout the world, which show that both forms of media strategy can be used by the same campaign in order to gain suitable publicity. It is however questionable which method is overall more effective when starting a campaign, although it is clear that tactical media may indeed be the most cost effective yet riskier option.


Tactical, Media

Strategic Media