changemakers 1 | Page 11

This conveys that although the spokesmen did believe that the campaign had good intentions, it is important to note that more explicit awareness that actually achieves something should be employed more often by those wishing to see change, such as encouraging people to in and have their breasts examined. This can actually lead to the prevention/ early catching of breast cancer. Therefore, while this campaign was relatively easy to participate in, it is a clear example of a campaign where it was trendy, surface-level participation rather than that which would significantly contribute to goals of the cause. Although it has died down now, it is possible that one day it will be revived, but in a different format (still following the basic rules inclusive of secrecy from males on Facebook).


How to strengthen the campaign:

1) Included in the viral message spread around could be some basic facts about breast cancer, in order to promote actual awareness of key issues surrounding it.

2) Attempting to work together with other organizations that support Breast Cancer in order to increase publicity

3) Perhaps make it less comical so it can be taken more seriously whilst maintaining the enigma code