Change Magazine September 2017 Issue | Page 22

a student named Eduardo wrote and sang a special rap song for my project called “ Rexpeita .” It is about gender equality . Because of this song , some students changed their minds about this topic . They started to talk about how girls and boys should be treated the same way . In classes , there is an activity which teachers support called “ Messengers of the Day ” in which we talk about the life and works of great women in society . We talk about women who are not in our books — great chemists , physicists , authors , and poets . In this way , we could show fellow girls that we too can be intelligent . We raise awareness among the students about the importance of supporting girls who live in sexist societies worse than ours , like Malala Yousafzai . The documentary “ He Named Me Malala ” was shown to all students in school . Her story is starting to become an inspiration for them .
We also talk openly about violence against women , so everybody can understand this problem and
realize the importance of solving it . We also work with kids in other schools in the city and in partner projects . We use chats , songs , and stories for children . Our activities happen in big spaces in schools where we interact with other teenagers and discuss the inequality of gender and the struggles of women in society . With children , we talk about prejudice against girls and tell true stories of great women like fairy tales . These events and activities are supported by students from other schools .
In Brazil , many girls choose to leave school because they don ’ t know the opportunities they could have . This is a problem the project wants to solve . If we give freedom to young girls today , we will plant a seed which will germinate and set them , their daughters , granddaughters and great granddaughters free .
The most interesting thing about this project is that it can
About the Author
be adapted by other countries and regions based on their own realities . All activities are made with standardized banners and panels . It can contain specific information for each country such as statistics and inspirational female figures . Other activities such as film screenings can be adapted too . The entire project execution follows a carefully prepared schedule and its expenses are cheap .
The Rescuing and Valuing Woman Project doesn ’ t need a big structure , or a large amount of money . What it needs to survive is to pass on the information and knowledge to more girls and motivate them to follow their dreams .
Big changes take time to happen in society but little things like this are very significant in making a better world for all girls .
Raphaele Godinho is a 17-year-old student based in Brazil in São Paulo state , in Mairinque city . She took part in a government program called “ Youth Parliament of MERCOSUR ”, which supports her project : “ Rescuing And Valuing Woman ”.
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