Graphics Source : Maya Apa official Twitter Page
M ayaA pa
Bangladesh ’ s Help at Hand
By : Altap Hossen Lalon
Maya Apa , Sister Maya in English , is a virtual messaging platform that connects a user with expert advice . It is accessible on smartphones on a 24 / 7 basis . Developed by women motivated to empower other women through technology , the aim of the app is to provide quality information and counseling services to the disadvantaged people of Bangladesh . The catchphrase of the app is ‘ Help at Hand ’.
While the app has a vast network of experts covering a wide range of topics , the ser- 37
vice is built on volunteerism which makes it free of cost . The major motivation of the volunteer experts is their determination to make society equal for all by reducing information gap and enhancing knowledge sharing . Anyone who is interested in contributing and has an expertise in relevant areas may be enlisted to offer service after completing inquiry from the Maya side .
Once a question is asked , it is redirected to relevant experts and answers are given within three hours . Maya Apa adds value by providing a real-time option through an intuitive and secure messaging service for users to remain anonymous . Queries are delivered via typed messages , voice recording and attaching images . The app provides service in Bengali and English .
Maya Apa was launched in February 2015 by www . maya . com . bd in partnership with the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee ( BRAC ), one of the leading NGOs in the world that works for poor , landless , rural women . At pres-