Change Magazine July 2017 issue | Page 4

contents contents 1 2 founder’s note FRONT ROW FEATURE Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing: Creating sustainable passion with economic stability 3 10 GRASSROOTS VOICES 15 18 Our Stories are Changing Myanmar and the World GRASSROOTS VOICES 21 27 31 37 39 Food for Passion Creating Sustainable Jobs for Rural Women and Youth in Nigeria THIS IDEA! Maya Apa: Bangladesh’s Help at Hand GRASSROOTS VOICES Promoting Agro-Biodiversity in the Andean Communities VOICES 24 GRASSROOTS iWomen ABCD Approach GRASSROOTS VOICES Empowering Communities from Within diinsider Summer Interns 2017 diinsider’s interVIEW Weaving with Passion and Culture: The Batak Craft Story FOOD FOR... 41 45 Opportunity Corner