We have donated over 160,000
storybooks to children from all
over Myanmar and conduct-
ed 42 trainings in nearly three
years. It helped us to fulfill an-
other mission of ours which is
to share cultures across reli-
gious and ethnic divides, thus
creating better understanding.
We are constantly innovating
and working in collaboration
with other organizations, vol-
unteer and corporate groups.
Our new innovative project
is called “Pass it on” in part-
nership with Hla Day, a social
enterprise craft store that en-
courages responsible tourism.
When tourists visit the shop,
they can purchase our Library
in a Box so that their tourism
dollars will go directly into pro-
viding books for kids. We then
work with volunteer groups
and teachers to deliver the li-
braries to their communities.
The donors write a postcard to
the kids who receive them and
the kids will then send a post-
card back to them. It’s a beau-
tiful way to connect the world
through stories.
Our hard work paid off
Because of our hard work, we
were given the Young Social
Entrepreneur Award in 2016
by the Myanmar Young En-
trepreneur Association. In just
a short time, we have accom-
plished a lot and reached thou-
sands and thousands of chil-
dren. We could not have come
this far without help from hun-
dreds of dedicated volunteers
working to make this country
The Third Story Project, a collaborative ef-
fort between the Myanmar Storytellers and
the Benevolent Youth Association, is
creating and producing a series of
children’s books in Burmese and other
ethnic languages to distribute to children
around Myanmar. The stories are written
and illustrated by Myanmar artists for a
Myanmar audience and address
issues of peace, tolerance and diversity.