me personally and profession-
ally, a space that created an ex-
perience full of emotions and
lessons learned.”
Photo by: Hearts of Gold Foundation
Our partners engaged in a discussion during our sessions.
rate. This helps give legitimacy
to the program and holds them
accountable to take the pro-
grams seriously.
have shut their doors. They
are all surviving, growing, and
even better so, creatively devel-
oping new programs and solu-
tions to tackle their respective
social issues. Each of our part-
Defining Impact
ners has a strategic plan and a
Our success will be defined fundraising plan in place that
by nonprofits keeping their can help them carry through a
doors open even through tough long term vision.
times, when their leaders feel
Miriam, Director of Centro
empowered, and when a net-
work of these organizations Educativo NOVA, said that,
persist to thrive. We are proud “for me personally this work-
to say that none of our partners shop was a space that enriched
Another partner, Rocio, the
Director of CETAP-Lucy, also
said that, “I would like to send
a huge thank you for the grand
initiative that Hearts of Gold
gave us in order to help us de-
velop our capacities as leaders
with the theme of communica-
tion. We are delighted that to-
day we can share this informa-
tion with our own team here at
CETAP-Lucy. With the team
we are going to start with the
first portion of the workshop,
dream and discovery, so that
we as a team can analyze what
our goals are, where are our
strengths lie, and where are we
limited. Another objective of
ours that the workshop really
helped us with is that we can
share this dynamic of learning
and the valuable information
with all - with our staff, volun-
teers, and even more so with
our community. We are all so
happy and grateful for this ex-
perience. Thank you so much.”
Educate a leader. Strength-
en a nonprofit. Build resilient
communities. That’s what we
do here at Hearts of Gold in
Cuenca, Ecuador.