Champions Digest December 2018 | Page 7

focus on MENTAL EMBRACE THE CONDITIONS Once you start your pre-comp training week for the tournament rounds ahead of you, your focus must be on your course management game plan. This plan includes consideration for any and all challenges you may face. Now is not the time to be focusing on swing technique. Your focus must be on strong body language, great self-image, trust in your routines, and a positive attitude willing to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Jack Nicklaus stated that he has never played perfect golf in a major, and he, won 18 of them. He believed it is unrealistic to think that you need to play perfect golf to win. The key to winning, according to Jack, is getting the ball into the hole and it really does not matter how. Unfor tunately, most golfers do not think like Jack and they get caught up in “playing with a perfect golf swing”, instead of golf course. They focus on making a perfect swing, or near perfect swing, instead of focusing on getting the ball into the hole. They are searching in the wrong direction to play their best. Champions play golf course. With this being said it is important that during your pre shot routine you have a single technical rehearsal swing that builds confidence. Followed by a “feel” swing that is the exact rehearsal for the shot plan committed to in the “think box”. Now you are ready to move confidently into the “play box”, focus shifts to your target and swing commencement trigger. Executing your shot is a time of trust and flow, complete your entire swing process through to a balanced finish. Playing in challenging conditions should not create doubt or anguish in your decisions. Embrace the challenge, everyone is playing the same course. The players who smile and accept the conditions as an opportunity to test their skills will without doubt have a better day.