Champion Great Neighborhoods FY24 Q3 Champion Great Neighborhoods FY24 Q3 | Page 4


6th Annual Fish Creek Clean-Up a Success

It definitely takes a village !
Just ask Angel Carter , the devoted event organizer , who has made it her life ’ s mission to tackle the litter problem along an 8-mile section of Fish Creek covering Arlington and Grand Prairie . Dedicated volunteers came together for the 6th annual Fish Creek Clean-Up , after the event was postponed from Jan . 27 to Feb . 24 because of rising creek levels and continued rainfall .
“ We have official and unofficial numbers ,” says Carter . “ Our total amount of trash collected was 7,845 pounds . Officially we had 284 in attendance . That brings the lifetime event totals to over 73,645 pounds of trash removed by almost 3000 volunteers !”
Groups of volunteers worked as teams to collect discarded cans , glass and plastic bottles , paper and other debris littering the banks of the southeast Arlington creek . Most of the decades old trash has been removed , so what ’ s left is what washes down and is dumped each year , says Carter .
“ It has been amazing to witness the hundreds that come out each year !” she adds . The 7th Annual Clean-up event will be held Saturday , January 25 , 2025 . So , mark your calendars !


NEIGHBORHOODS FY24 Q2 Scorecard Metrics ( January - March )

Performance Data for Arlington ’ s Neighborhood Services Departments

POLICE Dispatched Calls to Police : 26,075 Average Response Time ( Emergency Priority ): 7.73 minutes Volunteer Hours : 4,742 Self Initiated Calls to Police : 11,206


Fire Calls for Service : 13,316 911 Calls Answered in 10 sec or Less : 93.72 % Average Response Time : 5.28 minutes


Code Inspections Activities Completed : 27,816 Average Number of Days Initial Complaint to First Action : 0.82 days Animal Services Live Animal Release Rate : 83.55 % Cases Resolved through Voluntary Compliance : 66 % Proactive Commercial Corridor Responses : 1,618 % of Proactive Inspection Activities : 32 % Tool Sharing Program - Tools Checked Out : 220


Number of Animal Services Volunteer Hours : 1,312

HOUSING Use of Federal Funding Allocated to Assist Qualified Persons : 100 % Customer Satisfaction Score of Good or Excellence : 89 %