10 November 2016
posted to your page by someone
else. Nothing fuels a fire quite
the same way as someone who
feels like he’s not being heard.
Ever watch a child who doesn’t
think he has his mom’s attention? If not, I’ll let you know it
doesn’t usually end with said tot
going off quietly to read a book.
Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau
Take Precautions
and Set Expectations
media is important because
social media creates a record.
It’s more lasting than a mere
conversation with a friend. A
chamber of commerce employee
learned this lesson the hard way
when he complained on Twitter about the wait and service
at a local (member) restaurant.
While he thought nothing of
using his personal account to
air his grievance, he created an
impression and started a “conversation” that reflected poorly
on the chamber. Make sure your
employees understand this before something like this example
While you can’t prevent every
social media issue, you can
avoid some of them. Making
sure your employees understand that they represent your
business at all times on social
Social media gives everyone a
bullhorn and people are more
apt to broadcast negative experiences than they are positive
ones. As the saying goes, a satisfied customer will tell their
Delete and ignore someone at
your own (or your business’)
peril. For anyone who needs
proof as to why removing a social media comment is a bad
idea, ask Smucker’s.
us on
friend; an unsatisfied one will
tell the world. Do your best to
exceed customer expectations
and address issues quickly as
they appear on social media.
Letting them fester makes you
look worse than guilty. It makes
you look unresponsive, which is
akin to not caring.
A company that doesn’t care is
not one most people want to do
business with.
Christina R. Green teaches small
businesses, chambers and associations how to connect through
content. Her articles have appeared
in the Midwest Society of Association Executives’ Magazine, NTEN.
org, AssociationTech, and Socialfish. She is a regular blogger at
Frankjkenny.com and Event Manager Blog.
She’s a bookish writer on a quest to
bring great storytelling to organizations everywhere.
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728 Mechanic | Emporia, KS | 620-342-2092