Chamber Vision January 2015 | Page 8

8 January 2015 Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau From the President Jeanine McKenna President & CEO Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and are ready for a successful 2015. As most years, I have sat down and charted out my goals for the upcoming year, both personally and professionally. I have thought about what is the best way to make it a successful year for all of our members and the community as a whole. I have looked back at all we have accomplished, talked to our members and the leadership of the Chamber, and I believe we are in store for a successful and fulfilling year. I am proud of our office that includes the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and what we accomplish together. I believe that we truly are meeting our mission of being “proactive in creating an environment for business and community success”. We have members who represent all sectors of our community, each with varying needs to grow and prosper, but in the end I believe we all want Emporia to be a community in which we can live, work and raise our families. We are committed as an organization to continually ask you what we can do to help your business grow. My charge to you is to let us know your thoughts. How can we be more purposeful in meeting your needs as a member? Remember our mission is “To be proactive in creating an environment for business and community success”. All we do needs to be based around our mission. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. We are k icking off the year with a lot of great and dynamic programs. The Government Matters committee will be traveling to Topeka at the start of the Legislative Session to deliver our Joint Legislative Agenda. We are proud of this document that represents not just the Chamber, but Lyon County as well. This group will also be continuing their Dialogues throughout 2015. Be watching for more information as we draw nearer to each event. Our Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, January 23rd this year, so mark your calendars for Emporia’s premier event. We are gearing up for another sell out event, many reservations have already been made, so if you have not done so yet, make your reservations today! The Leadership Emporia Alumni Association has been working hard over the past year, to help all Leadership Emporia Alumni continue their learning. Past graduates of Leadership Emporia are welcome to come and learn about the new curriculum we are teaching based on the teaching of the Kansas Leadership Center. Look for their Quarterly Breakfast, Read and Lead, and Board meeting dates in this newsletter. We will also be introducing a new program that the Kansas Leadership Center is offering to the business community at our Annual meeting, so be watching for the breaking news! Our Spring Expo is also just around the corner, so be sure to get your space reserved. This is a great opportunity to showcase your business. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, March 21st. We will continue to be purposeful in asking you your thoughts and opinions on how to grow our community, and we will listen. You want us to represent you on interests that affect your business. Our bottom line is to provide value to your membership. It is a great day in Emporia; please tell someone!