Chamber Vision January 2015 | Page 21

Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau January 2015 2015 Sponsorship Package Order Form Return Form To The Emporia Area Chamber Of Commerce – 719 Commercial Street CONTACT NAME: ___________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ___________________ ORGANIZATION/BUSINESS NAME: ________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________ Please Choose A Package Option Be low _______ Mailroom Level @ $42.50 ($50 after Jan. 30, 2015) _______ Entry Level @ $85.00 ($100 after Jan. 30, 2015) _______ Professional Level @ $212.50 ($250 after Jan. 30, 2015) _______ Executive Level @ $425.00 ($500 after Jan. 30, 2015) _______ Sponsor An Event – Includes 15% Discount if purchased by Jan. 30, 2015. If Sponsoring An Event: Please indicate if you’d like to cover the cost of FOOD or ALCOHOL (circle one). You are able to choose the local caterer or beverage provider of your liking. Deposit of $50 required for EmporiaNext to secure Sponsorship and Month. Payment for food or alcohol made directly to vendor, with full deposit going towards the cost. Please choose three months, between Jan – Oct 2015, in which you would be willing to sponsor ONE. FIRST CHOICE: _______________________ SECOND CHOICE: THIRD CHOICE: _______________________ _______________________ Payment Options ______ Check enclosed (check number _____) Please make checks out to Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce. ______ Credit Card TYPE (CIRCLE ONE): VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD NUMBER: _____________________________________ EXP DATE: _______ CVC CODE: ______ ZIP CODE: _________ SIGNATURE: ________________________________________ EmporiaNext Use Only: Date Form Received: ___________________ Received by: ______________________ Payment Received: __________________ If Sponsoring An Event, which month: _______________ Sponsor Notified of Month? ___________ Logo Received: ___________ 21